Tellurium Q Statement II speaker cable 2×2.5m banana
More analogue and detailed. More “real”!
Tellurium Q Statement II speaker cable
In our journey of cable series development, the speaker cable always takes precedence. When we introduced the Silver Diamond cables, they astonished both listeners and ourselves with their performance capabilities. Thus, striving to surpass them was no small feat. Despite the widespread acclaim for the Silver Diamonds, we pursued avenues to enhance their performance even further.
Our approach was to revisit the design from scratch, meticulously scrutinizing each step and fine-tuning every aspect to achieve optimal performance. The result? The Statement speaker cable not only exceeded the Silver Diamond but did so remarkably, surpassing even our highest expectations.
The reviews speak volumes. Those who had experienced the Silver Diamonds were left in awe when confronted with the Statements. Describing their excellence became a challenge for reviewers as the Statements transcended conventional labels.
As Matej Isak of Mono and Stereo aptly put it, "Well, they certainly transcend any typical labelling."
Class A
8/585 Blackburn Road,
Notting Hill, VIC
03 85550735
www.classaaudio.com.auTrimira Audio & Integration
1/141 Campbell St Bowen Hills Qld 4006
07 3854 0406
www.trimira.com.auBrisbane HiFi
5/17 Morrison Close, QLD 4122
07 3219 2545
www.brisbanehifi.com.auRevolution Turntable
Unit 1. 81 Guthrie St Osborne Park Western, WA 6017
08 9445 2783
www.revolutionturntable.com.auDutch Vinyl
269 Johnston street Abbotsford 3067
0481 882 219
www.dutchvinyl.com.auHiFi Collector Pty Ltd
9 Deviation Rd
08 7130 0148
www.hificollector.com.auHey Now HiFi
Level 2 Suite 2.02/ 22 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda, Vic, 3182
03 9525 0022
www.heynowhifi.com.auSpace Hi-Fi
Unit 3/115-117 Orchard Road
02 8739 9989
www.spacehifi.com.auElectronic Forefront Australia
PO Box 2238 Carlingford NSW 2118
1300 089 559
www.electronicforefront.com.auKrispy Audio
PO Box 82, Berowra Heights NSW
02 8006 4666
www.krispyaudio.com.auTellurium Q